Everything you need to Know About Creating Consistent Content


Like most business owners, you know that you need to create excellent content for your website, social media posts, and more. However, you may not know how to do this consistently. The following post gives up five actionable tips that you can use to create consistent content every month.

Keep a List of Content Ideas

Ideas for content are all around you, and chances are, you’ve had more than one good content idea that got away because you weren’t prepared to capture it. Instead, you capture content ideas by keeping a running list of them as they come to you.

If you work in a more prominent organization, you’ll want to work with your content operations team to make the list public so that all content team members can see it and add to it. But, according to Jo Fraser of Contentful, creating a “content infrastructure makes content operations much easier to implement and run.”

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Take advantage of this by making your content ideas list public

Figure Out Ways to Repurpose Your Content

It used to be that the content was blog posts and that was about it. The range includes social media posts, YouTube videos, white papers, ebooks, etc. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and headaches if you learn to repurpose your content across your content operations.

For example, if you’ve written a great white paper, pull an excellent quote from it on Instagram and find ways to make an infographic for your blog. The key is not to duplicate everything exactly. Instead, you want to adapt the original content to fit the medium you’re sharing it.

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Use Templates to Streamline the Process

Using templates for content like newsletters, blog post types, social and media posts allows you to work quickly to put out content. While it may feel stifling to use a template each time, you’ll find that it streamlines your work and makes keeping up with your content creation tasks much more manageable. You’ll appreciate this crunch time.

Take Advantage of Scheduling Tools

Tools like Tailwind and Hootsuite allow you to create content ahead of time and then schedule it to post automatically. This isn’t to say that you won’t interact with the people who engage with your content. Instead, posting content via a scheduling tool allows you to comment on people’s responses to your posts when you have time to leave thoughtful comments and valuable answers to their questions.

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Create a Content Calendar

Creating a content calendar prevents you from panicking come content creation time. If you have a calendar in place, you need to look at your calendar to see what you’re supposed to write for the day.

Additionally, don’t forget to capitalize on trends and seasons when making your content calendar. Instead, get more traction with your content, including content that aligns with relevant news stories and seasonal holidays.

How consistent your content creation depends on how organized you are. It requires that you employ the right plans and scheduling tools to make that happen. It also requires your content creation teams to work together to pull this off. However, if you take the necessary steps to do this, any difficulties you once had with consistently creating content should be passed.


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Tech Tools to Help Bridge Students’ Learning Gaps

Wed Apr 20 , 2022
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